Hundreds of talented people are making Foundation better every day. In addition to the ZURB team, a select group of awesome contributors have been dubbed Yetinauts. These talented dev and designers from around the world have direct write access to the codebase and support the core Foundation team on the development of the framework. Are you interested in making your mark on the Foundation framework? From submitting bugs to helping us build new features into the framework, there are many ways you can contribute to Foundation!
Introducing our Yetinauts
These core contributors make Foundation amazing.
Joe Workman
Foundation Lead
Been making tools for web designers for over 12 years.
"Go out there and make something great!"
Kevin Ball
Drinking too much coffee
Front-end Consultant and Trainer. Foundation Lead. Publishes Friday Frontend Newsletter.
Colin Marshall
JS, Sass, Gulp, Babel, WordPress
Freelance Web Developer
"Foundation excites me because it is constantly raising the bar and pushing for standards in front-end web development."
Harry Manchanda
Sass/CSS, JavaScript
Front-end Website Developer who loves coding and new ideas.
"Let's make the web great again!"
Marius Olbertz
JS, Accessibility, Gulp, Angular
Front-end focussed full stack web developer from Germany.
"Foundation makes the lives of other people easier. Also I love the spirit of open source."
Abdullah Salem
JS, Sass, RTL,
I'm a Full-stack developer who's interested in UX and Front-end engineering. I have been developing Web applications since 2003.
"Some things I love about Foundation the most are the Native RTL support, scalable JavaScript architecture, reusable components, the framework is extendable, and it is made by ZURB."
Jens Köhler
PHP, JS, testing, Shopware, WordPress
CEO of modulingo GmbH.I would call myself a Web Development all-arounder and I specialized online shops.
"Foundation helps people in companies develop faster and with better standards."
Corey Snyder
JS, CSS, Coldfusion, Node
I'm a Designer / Developer focused in UX and Interactive Design who dabbles in a lot of stuff.
"Foundation is great because of it's extend-ablity, easy learning curve, not having to write the same CSS over and over."
Nicolas Coden
Sass/CSS, Criticizing everything.
Ethical full-stack developer, webdesigner.
"Foundation is the least bad CSS framework out there."
Jeremy Englert
Sass/CSS, Gulp, JS
I developed JointsWP, the most popular Foundation WordPress theme out there. I'm a Project Manager / Developer at Materiell
"I started contributing to Foundation beacuse it's an exciting open source project. I'm all about faster development & better workflows for small and large teams."
Andrew Cochran
Sass, PHP, WordPress
I'm an open‑source civic tech designer/developer/mapmaker. Previously with OpenPlans, currently with New York City Council.
"Foundation is great because it's making the web more awesome through collaboration, establishing standards, and furthering accessibility."
Brett Mason
Sass, JS, Gulp, WordPress
Web Designer/Developer at a UK advertising agency. I've been using Foundation since version 3. I've been specializing in WordPress development for the last 8 years.
"I'm a big fan of Foundation. I love the idea of one core resource to build a better, more responsive web."