Millions of people around the world use Foundation to create amazing things every day, making it one of the most active and inspiring open source projects in existence! From magazines to blogs, designers to CEOs, and all across the world, people love using Foundation. Here are some of the conversations:

Doug Macklin
Golden State Warriors
"Foundation makes it easy to build our pages out; With all the available tools. It's easy to add the CSS or Sass on your page and have it appear as you expect it should. Anytime I can buld with Foundation, I do."

Steven Wu
Creative Bloq
“ZURB's Foundation framework is easy to use, powerful and provides the flexibility to prototype and build production-ready websites for any device.”
Joe Workman
Creator of Foundation Rapidweaver
“We believe if you do all of the research, you will come to the same conclusion that we do, that Foundation is the best Framework to make a Stacks based theme on. It is strong, robust and actively growing!”
Nick Pettit
Team Treehouse
“When I design new web projects, I always start by thinking about the mobile experience before I move on to larger screen sizes, and I personally feel like Foundation has a slight edge with block grids and collapsible rows.“

James Stone
Developer, Author, Blogger
"ZURB Foundation is my number one tool for rapidly building anything from clickable prototypes to production quality websites. Unlike most other frameworks burdened with opinionated visual design (which becomes easily outdated), Foundation can be quickly and easily molded into any design you can dream up."
"Another big draw for me and some of my clients is that Foundation is a strong open source project with a good community. Also, the ZURB dev team is behind it and there are commercial support options."

Chris Moore
CEO Gaslight Creative
Foundation is under almost constant development. It’s updated frequently. That’s exciting for me. They’ve built something great and it keeps getting better with every release. There’s a large and active community participating in development as well. As of this writing, the foundation repo has 20,621 stars. That’s pretty impressive.
Our latest press mentions.
See who's been loving and talking about Foundation. Wrting about Foundation? How we can help: Feature it here! Help promote it. Review material for accuracy. Stickers! Tell us about your post!
Watch & Listen
Foundation gets love and coverage from magazines, bloggers and designers worldwide.
Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine: Creating A Complete Web App In Foundation For Apps
Our friends at Smashing Magazine have written this easy tutorial for creating a "Star Wars" themed web app with Foundation for Apps.
Foundation for Apps is a new single-page app framework from ZURB that is closely related to Foundation 5 (also known as Foundation for Sites, a widely used front-end framework). It’s built around AngularJS and a flexbox grid framework. It’s intended to make creating a web app very quick and simple, enabling us to quickly start writing the code that’s unique to our application, rather than boilerplate.
Why We Choose the ZURB Foundation Theme for Drupal
Keith Goth, Senior Web Developer at SpryDigital covers why Foundation was the right coice for their client work.
During our time as a Drupal developers, we have used the following themes: Omega, Zen, Bootstrap, and Foundation. While each of these themes has a variety of strengths and weaknesses, the Foundation theme by ZURB has quickly become our “go-to” theme.
Using Foundation's Interchange to deal with retina images in front-end code.
According to me, the best solution when you work with Foundation is to use Interchange. This javascript library uses media queries to load the images that are appropriate for a user's browsers, making responsive images a snap.
PHP Gang
How to Build a marketplace with CakePHP 2 & Foundation 1/6
PHP Gangs puts together a six part series to create a marketplace with CakePHP and Foundation.

@FoundationCSS Thanks, definitely use the #foundation #framework was one of the best choices for our web development, we are very happy now
Original Mockups @originalmockups

Coding some cool stuff with @FoundationCSS to the rhythm of @deadmau5's Strobe.
James Wilkinson @iamjwilkinson

@FoundationCSS even during the earthquake, we're rolling out updates overnight & wouldn't be possible without robust framework like this!
Expresiv Studios @_expresiv

I found @FoundationCSS considerably better thought-out than #Bootstrap. More flexible grid, better code, less pain. #ZurbFoundation
Adaptive Garage @adaptivegarage

Just voted for @FoundationCSS in the @netmag Awards. You got this! #opensource
Jon Munson @jonmunson

@FoundationCSS mixins making our developer Alex's life so much easier! He's flying through the @salesradario front end dev! #hackathon
IO Studios @iostudios

Got the #code ready for the next lunch & #learn. We are doing @angularjs and @FoundationCSS.
Daniel Blair @CMDannCA

Christopher "Cricket" Wallace
Web Developer at AFAR Media
"These days my company (AFAR Media) uses a good bit of ZURB's Foundation on the mobile site. I've been a long time fan of the initiative. From time-to-time I check in on Foundation for Email (Inky). The CSS inliner, in particular, comes in handy when I need to QA my hand-rolled email markup. I monitor the email grid system's evolution with bated breath."
"All-in-all I just love reading about the ZURB process and exploring the tools you release. The amount of thought and refinement that goes into developing a good product from a good product idea is enormous. I've found ZURB's approaches to be inspiring. It makes me want to make things--great things--award-winning things. That sort of inspiration is what helped me work up the courage to move from Washington DC to the Bay Area in pursuit of my techie dreams. That inspiration is priceless to me. Hence my gratefulness for having the change to just say, "Hell, yeah, ZURB! Keep on ZURBbing."