Foundation is moving fast and this is the place to keep up with the releases. Here's a summary of all of our releases of Foundation for Sites.
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5.5.3 - Oct 6th, 2015
There are so many amazing things happening in Foundation land to be excited about with Foundation 6 right around the corner. A new framework doesn't mean Foundation 5 doesn’t get any love, which just today got a major update. We're excited to tell you about our latest release of Foundation for Sites — version 5.5.3.
- Locked Modernizr to version 2 (2.8.3) avoiding any breaking changes with newer versions.
- Off-canvas can now open from top and bottom as well as left and right - 6914
- Accordion gets publicly accessible open, close, toggle methods - 6700
- Improved Tooltip performance - 6884
- Range Slider can now be moved by tapping/clicking the bar - 6995
- Easier override of button background colors - 6680
- Improved dropdown performance - 6869
- Improved transition mixin - 6675
- Abide has more options - 83ff589
- Equalizer works on hidden elements - 7826d54
- Tabs have improved keyboard accessibility - 6914
Another huge release and with tons of contributions from our awesome community! You can check out all 283 commits by clicking the link here.
5.5.2 - April 30th, 2015
- Accessibility updates
- Workflow improvements
- Updates the Grunt file: sets the key paths as variables, which are then available for use in the tasks. This helps with a few things including:
- reusable configs across different projects
- git history is cleaner with modular approach
- easier to avoid merge conflicts
- Commit - 3a4d44d
- Distribute on NPM - Foundation-Sites
- Added Grunt task to minify CSS - d163f4b
- Updates the Grunt file: sets the key paths as variables, which are then available for use in the tasks. This helps with a few things including:
- Adds Retina media queries - 71c7a49
- Making the breakpoints more specific (Chrome rounding issue) - 2f2021a
- Improvment to Reveal Modal positioning with vertical scroll - 5dbc404
- Allows Ajax content to be replaced in open Reveal Modal - 94db26f
- Equalizer can now be nested! Crazy! - f9b987c
- Equalizer is now responsive - equalize on small, medium, large - 3bcaa8e
- Interchange works with Ajax content - d096fab
- Fix for Interchange custom queries - 89a156b
- Interchange and Clearing now play well - 2ab7fa9
- Fix for topbar parent link showing on medium - 5122552
- Abide updates:
- Abide can now have multiple custom validators - d4e1046
- All validation must pass - 17c0347
- Abide now can be reset for all error fields - b6e3c36
- Fix for Reflow method on Abide validation - fb92e42
- Fix for Abide validations triggering twice - 9a08080
- Validation for Radio and Checkbox groups - adf3fbf
- Tons of code cleanup and formatting improvements (listing a few here):
This is a huge release and thanks to everyone who contributed! You can check out all 383 commits by clicking the link here.
5.5.1 - January 29th, 2015
- Fixes for Dropdown plugin - better callback handling - 16ac158
- Better spacing between links in top-bar - 37eb359
- Dropdowns, including top-bar dropdowns now close when a link is clicked as a default. Good for SPA's - 6a130ad
- Added ability to customize split button pip - e21b093
- Tabs with deep linking
- Updates to Interchange
- You can now collapse/uncollapse (remove/add padding) columns based on media queries - 5d2b9fb
- Add seven-up (and eight-up) support to icon-bar - a0e8634
- Adds support for multiple open Reveal modals - 23c5684
Fix for Clearing initial image load issue in Firefox and Safari - e7a3816
Whew! This is just the start. You can check out all 139 commits by clicking the link here.
5.5- December 12th, 2014
Foundation is now compatible with Sass 3.4! Note: this removes Sass 3.2 compatability. - 4d54d0c
- Dropdowns now better respect the viewport boundaries - 513044e
- Split buttons can now have two diffent JS events - 9f0b4b9
- Dropdowns now close when a link is clicked as a default. Good for SPA's - 6a130ad
- Accordion can now use
's and<li>
instead of<dl>
's - 18cef99 - Fix callout panel link colors - 1c73d3f
- New top-bar coloring variables - 0cd83ab
- New icon-bar hover coloring variables - 759f3df
Add validate_on_blur option to abide - 674fc9e
And there's seriously tons more! We're running out of room here but you can check out all 189 commits by clicking the link here.
5.4.7- October 24, 2014
Foundation is now compatible libsass 3.0. Libsass is now closer to Sass 3.3 compatibility. Shoutout to Hampton Catlin, hcatlin on GitHub, for the PR! You can learn more here. - 29ffaad
- Adds .invisible and .hide visibility classes - 1b0dae2
- Allow custom error class name for Abide - ce3013e
- Updated to Normalize.css v3.0.2 - b3fce86
- Fix vertical button groups not stacking when a radius or round class is applied - cb278d9
Remove glow on dropdowns (and tabs) and their buttons when focused - 0ae17c8
You can compare the commits here
5.4.6- October 9, 2014
Full libsass compatability is back! We fixed the last lingering issue preventing libsass from properly compiling Foundation. Note that Sass 3.4 is still not officially supported for the time being. - 6d2c5d8
- Dropdowns with a
class won't function when clicked - 805b301 - Fixes Joyride listening for keyboard events even when not initialized - c725ea7
- Re-adds
parameter to Slider plugin - 5314a80 - Fixes a bug with Abide where every valid element after an invalid one is automatically marked invalid - 9d9666b
- Fixes odd focusing behavior of Tabs, and their tendency to crash the page when using keyboard navigation - 08afa17
5.4.5- September 25, 2014
- Reverted Foundation to Sass 3.2.19. This fixes compatibility for Libsass and Rails Sass users. Added a gemfile that makes Compass 1.0 and Sass 3.4 compatible as well. - 8b85dc3
To maintain compatibility with Sass 3.2 and libsass, we've dropped support for Sass 3.4. We recommend adding a Gemfile to your project that specifies Sass 3.3 and Compass 1.0. Learn More...
- Fixes customizer issue with top-bar (updated the customizer to compile with Ruby Sass 3.4 and fixed compile error)
- Remove some unnecessary code and mixins in documentation - efc1767
- Fixes $topbar-link-dropdown-padding - d5aaf02
You can compare the commits here
5.4.4- September 19, 2014
This release was created to automate some internal deployment processes.
5.4.3- September 9, 2014
- Adds Mega Dropdown option for dropdown plugin - 1595792
- Updates Gemfile and codebase for compatibility with Sass 3.4 & Compass 1.0 - 8421ac4
- Tooltips now work inside Reveal modals - 0f14f58
- Fixes table layout issue - 8a9ff18
- Fixes issue with abide error applied to other valid fields - 1851f7a
- Fixes abide email validation - ff77d59
- Adds 'even' class and examples to buttons documentation - 2dbcb39
- Add autohiding scrollbar to Windows devices on off-canvas menu - 7ad4098
- Adds accessibility section to off-canvas and updates docs page - 3220635
- And many, many more fixes and improvements. Includes over 187 commits in this release.
You can compare the commits here
5.4.2- August 29, 2014
This release was pushed to fix issues with the customizer and Css/JS file version numbers.
5.4.1- August 26, 2014
This release was created to automate some internal deployment processes.
5.4- August 21, 2014
Accessibility - this release includes accessibility updates for all components. Each component's docs page has an accessibility section that includes the accessible code or a description about how the component is more accessible. This includes keyboard tabbing screen reader access, and best practices.
- Adds stacking option for button groups -
- Adds breakpont classes to icon-bar - a7ff4ae
- Audit and simplify excess colors by changing to variables -
- Adds Multi-level off-canvas menu - b6d3c62
- Fixes issue with abide error applied to other valid fields - 1739417
- Added html5 Number Spinner mixin and setting to form selects - ce7a767
- Fix for dropdown pip position - 334d9ab
- Enable Joyride keyboard accessibility and previous button option - c7bc46f
- Adds max-width and border-radius to reveal - f81c996
- Adds off-canvas individual overlay option - 52fb467
- And loads of other fixes and improvements. Includes over 150 kick-ass commits in this release. #enjoyit!
You can compare the commits here
5.3.3- August 1, 2014
- Fix Reveal modal z-index Issue - c70650e
5.3.2- July 31, 2014
- Fix duplicate MQ errors in reveal - 82ed782
- Adds top-bar mobile parent link as well as back button so user knows where they are - dc6d2ca
- Off-canvas overlap now has an exit off-canvas button - f7f4c4e
- Fix off-canvas overlap causing double border - 334d9ab
- Fix for top-bar form textarea being too tall in the CSS version - 2d7a083
- Adds settings for button hover and border colors - f81c996
- Switches now respect -speed and -ease in animations - 2d7a083
- Adds fastclick-enhanced touch events - be629d7
- Joyride can now have an optional previous button - be629d7
- Adds html5 Number Spinner mixin and setting to forms - be7f24b
- Fix for button hover color bug - fa7ae84
- And lots of other fixes and improvements. Includes 106 important commits in this release. #awesomelyrad!
You can compare the commits here
5.3.1- July 17, 2014
- Fix for clearing issue on mobile where lightbox allows vertical scroll outside container - 57bc2bf
- Fixes Reveal bug with modals locking when target is clicked while modal is open - 1c966e7
- Adds Scss variables for Icon-bar to _settings.scss - 52d9a7e
- Remove experimental variable and mixin which caused deprecation messages 3b3c67d
- Update _settings.scss to include missing Side Nav variables - a7d8239
- Added Warning-Color in labels - b9ba74f
- Fix for Incompatible units: 'rem' and 'px' in _settings.scss for switches - aef0164
- Fixes icon-bar scss variables - 37f7587, 4f1112a
- Added 'Semantic Markup with CSS' section to Icon Bar Component Page - ec2dfc9
- Fixes for Magellan active state on click - 97ed451
- Fixing reveal modals w/video issue. Forcing iframe reload when re-opened - 8638964
- Fix for vertical sliders touch issue on mobile - 9de2ee7
- More detailed Sass install page, and 2 new Sass pages to expalin project structure & how to use - (, (, (
- And tons of other fixes and improvements. Includes 95 important commits in this release. #powerful!
You can compare the commits here
5.3- June 19, 2014
- Adds new component - Switches 1268cc3
- Adds new component - Icon Bar (ios style tab-bar) 1268cc3
- Adds new component - Vertical Range Sliders e63beb1
- All the emitted JS events are now namespaced with .fndtn{.plug-in-name} cf0156d
- Fixes clearing bug on load for Firefox and Safari browsers f9f38d0
- Orbit got a version revision and fixes that brings it back to it's last most stable state 060f01a
- Added disabled state to range-sliders 3f01103
- Added accordion mixins f10731d
- Decoupled binding some UI elements from very specific markup (ex: add a class instead of tying styles to ul) f10731d
- Fixes form select arrow issue in Firefox. f057733
- And tons of other fixes and improvements. Over 180 important commits in this release. Enjoy it!
You can compare the commits here
5.2.3- May 28, 2014
- Lots of documentation updates, class options, explanations, markup examples
- Equalizer can now equalize when stacked, or in block grid 931f047
- Accordion can now be spread across different parent containers 3acb3e7
- Adds accessibility classes db38232
- Joyride Threshold implemented and fixed top option added 9cc7098
- Added accordion toggle callback 2344a82
- Offcanvas can now overlap content instead of pushing content 5cc0934
- Added event bindings and much more to Offcanvas 7a799ba
- Allow controlling heading sizes on small screens 596d5f9
- Numerous fixes and changes to Orbit for performance and functionality
- And tons of other fixes and improvements. Over 320 commits in this release. Boom!
You can compare the commits here
5.2.2- April 3, 2014
- Numerous fixes and changes to Orbit for performance and functionality
- Updated _settings.scss to include all variables and options f98b939
- Equalizer now only calculates height for visible objects d4f2147
- Off-canvas objects now retain momentum scrolling on iOS 19ff539
- Fixed the dropdown color variable in top-bar 95e9eca
- Fixed clearing to allow use of block-grids 64d4b79d
- Allows decimals in Abide 'number' pattern d69a076a
- Added block-grid support for XL and XXL viewports when enabled 745dc78
- Seriously, about a hundred other things. Also resolved over 360 issues for this release. Word.
You can compare the commits here
5.2.1- March 13, 2014
- Fixed Orbit timer stoping after first slide ea03319
- Fixes captions in Clearing Viewer ce296f7
- Adds Orbit vertical scrolling on touch device f2a1f8f
- Corrected modal dialog z-index 22e42b1
You can compare the commits here
5.2.0- March 5, 2014
- RTL fix for tooltips 0ec2262
- Fixes clearing keyboard event bindings fe1a5d5
- Adds 1:1 touch support to Orbit bdb6dba
- Add CSS3 animations to Orbit 61fac2e
- Add range slider component 7dd607b
- Drop ups, drop lefts, and drop rights support 8eb56c0
- Added ability to set responsive background-image on divs within interchange ffd8528
- No longer validate disabled inputs in Abide 5786277
- Enable Joyride to be reinitialized 794dd8f
- Remove tooltips if target no longer exists 9c09e28
You can compare the commits here
5.1.1- February 6, 2014
- Offcanvas RTL fix 27f672a
- Adds missing namespace declarations in magellan a3d729f
- Reflow equalizer on initialization otherwise equal height doesn't take affect until window resize 8fb50b3
- Fixed a bug with a comment and couple properties being over included as a result of an improper export 09ed05e
You can compare the commits here
5.1.0- February 5, 2014
- Disable tooltips for
tags on touch screens to avoid interefering with link and document the edge case c38d3e3 - Add hover delay variable to Tooltip 33cf987
- Add upper range to xxlarge media query. 2072ee3
- Add destination thresholds for magellan. 2bb7134
- Fix Clearing+Block-grid margin issue. c8781df
- Lower specificity on {size}-reset-order classes in grid.scss to prevent smaller reset-order classes from overriding larger push- and pull- classes. 2318709
- Allow data attributes to be namespaced. 774bca5
- Added
Javascript helper methods. - Added
plugin to create equal height content.
You can compare the commits here
5.0.3- January 15, 2014
- Uses
instead ofdarken
#3287 - Add
to Orbit - Add missing large and xlarge visibility classes
- Add missing variables to
file - Abide checkbox validation b5e8db5133
- Fallback to default settings for alerts if no custom settings are provided 0261d71d9d
- Setting active_class on Magellan fixed f737212e47
- Fix FastClick header loading issues and Update FastClick a4f88e1969
- Dropdown callbacks patched fa89000ec2
- Fix bug where joyride fails to scroll up for next tip fa89000ec2
- Joyride RTL fixes 99668af63d
- Dropdowns now auto close ff21a94199
- Fix Orbit click event to go to next slide e6c4d0a30c
- Clearing RTL improvements d1f19f77b0
- Fix Joyride Cookie Detection 357a365e1a
- Fix to Interchange internal caching 66fc386503
- Lots of bug and documentation fixes
You can compare the commits here
5.0.2- November 22, 2013
- Fix issue with clearing images not displaying
You can compare the commits here
5.0.1- November 22, 2013
- Fixes issue with breakpoint not being properly set on top bar instances
- Adds em-calc() function back in, references rem-calc()
- Allows open sans font include to be turned off
You can compare the commits here