Prototyping Utilities
Quickly prototype layouts and UI with Foundation's Prototyping Utilities. These optional classes and mixins are great for quickly turning sketches and mockups into coded prototypes.
Prototype to Production
Prototyping allows us to see problems more clearly—and often earlier—in the development process. Designs in sketches or wireframes only get us so far in understanding the behavior, feasibility, and cost (time or resources) of implementation. Prototyping processes foster collaboration where designers and developers work closely together find better solutions.
Sometimes prototype code is meant to be thrown away, and that's ok. While in early stage development it's extremely valuable to get ideas and interactions up and shared with stakeholders for scrutiny. This is how ideas get fleshed out and improved. It's not code we're delivering, it's a solution to a problem. Get the idea out, get feedback, iterate, repeat. Then when all parties are satisfied the right approach is being taken, go back to clean it up and refactor.
Foundation's Prototyping Utilities help you build coded prototypes from scratch ultra-fast. This allows you to get to right answer faster through feedback and experimentation. From positioning to visual styles, there are a range of utilities to choose from. Every Utility has a mixin, so you can use your own custom classes or swap classes for mixins in production for cleaner markup.
Prototype mode is disabled by default!
Not all projects require Prototyping Utilities and adding utility classes like these increase your CSS file size especially if you're not using all of them. For these reasons Prototype mode is disabled by default.
Many Prototype classes use `!important` to ensure that these they aren't overridden by more specific selectors. This framework conscientiously avoids using `!important` declarations. Please note that we have only inserted `!important` on those specific **CSS** properties which in no case should be overridden.
Enabling Prototype Mode
Prototyping classes like these below should only be used for prototyping tasks. Also if you are using **Sass**, we encourage you to use **[Prototyping Mixins](#sass-mixins)** instead.
Using the Sass version of Foundation, you can enable prototype mode in two ways:
If you use the foundation-everything()
mixin in your main Sass file, just pass in $prototype: true
to enable the prototype mode.
@include foundation-everything($prototype: true);
If you included each component manually (like our starter projects do), open up your app.scss
file and simply comment in:
// @include foundation-prototype-classes;
So it will look like:
@include foundation-prototype-classes;
You can instead import only the specific utility classes that you need. To make it easy, the full list is included below:
@include foundation-prototype-typescale;
@include foundation-prototype-text-utilities;
@include foundation-prototype-text-transformation;
@include foundation-prototype-text-decoration;
@include foundation-prototype-font-styling;
@include foundation-prototype-list-style-type;
@include foundation-prototype-rounded;
@include foundation-prototype-bordered;
@include foundation-prototype-shadow;
@include foundation-prototype-arrow;
@include foundation-prototype-separator;
@include foundation-prototype-overflow;
@include foundation-prototype-display;
@include foundation-prototype-position;
@include foundation-prototype-border-box;
@include foundation-prototype-border-none;
@include foundation-prototype-sizing;
@include foundation-prototype-spacing;
Looking for more customization? Click here for the Sass Reference
Responsive breakpoints
Responsive breakpoints is disabled by default.
These prototype classes also have an optional mobile first responsive classes so that setting a class will apply to the small breakpoint and large unless overridden by a class for a larger breakpoint.
You can easily enable these classes by setting $global-prototype-breakpoints
to true
<p class="medium-text-uppercase">This text will be uppercase for medium and up.</p>
<p class="large-text-lowercase">This text will be lowercase for large breakpoint.</p>
You can also customise things by choosing to add responsive breakpoints only for specific prototype helpers that you would need as responsive classes.
For example, text transformation classes have a breakpoint variable $prototype-transformation-breakpoints
which is set to $global-prototype-breakpoints
which is set to false
by default. For enabling responsive breakpoints for text transformation classes, simply set:
$prototype-transformation-breakpoints: true;
Component Styling
These .radius
, .rounded
, .bordered
& .shadow
classes can be used independently or together to style the component by rounding its corners, giving light borders, and creating shadow to it respectively. Mostly used in buttons, cards, tables, images and many more.
<button type="button" class="button radius bordered shadow primary">Primary</button>
<button type="button" class="button rounded bordered shadow secondary">Secondary</button>
<button type="button" class="button radius bordered shadow success">Success</button>
<button type="button" class="button rounded bordered shadow alert">Alert</button>
<button type="button" class="button radius bordered shadow warning">Warning</button>
Add the .rounded
class to .switch
to make it rounded.
<div class="switch rounded">
<input class="switch-input" id="exampleSwitch" type="checkbox" name="exampleSwitch">
<label class="switch-paddle" for="exampleSwitch">
<span class="show-for-sr">Download Kittens</span>
<div class="radius bordered shadow card">
<img src="">
<div class="card-divider">
Styled Card
<div class="card-section">
<h4>This is a card.</h4>
<p>It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.</p>

This is a card.
It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.

This is a card.
It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.

This is a card.
It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.
<table class="radius bordered shadow">
<!-- My Table goes here -->
Table Header | Table Header | Table Header | Table Header |
Content Goes Here | This is longer content Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. | Content Goes Here | Content Goes Here |
Content Goes Here | This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. | Content Goes Here | Content Goes Here |
Content Goes Here | This is longer content Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. | Content Goes Here | Content Goes Here |
Content Goes Here | This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. | Content Goes Here | Content Goes Here |
<img src="" class="radius">
Arrow Utility
Mostly used as dropdown arrows for navigation.
<div class="arrow-down"></div>
<div class="arrow-up"></div>
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="arrow-left"></div>
This creates a tiny separator below the heading of an element and is usually used within the heading of a section.
<h3 class="separator-left">Lorem</h3>
<h3 class="separator-center">Ipsum Dolor</h3>
<h3 class="separator-right">Tempor</h3>
Ipsum Dolor
Font Styling
You can use font styling to style your text. You can change the font styling by adding font-normal
, font-bold
, font-italic
to an element. You can also larger the text of an element with font-wide
<p class="font-wide">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
<p class="font-normal">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>
<p class="font-bold">Perspiciatis tempore cumque, magni aspernatur, quidem. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse</p>
<p class="font-italic">Lorem minus, placeat, cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.iure voluptas aliquam tempora neque?</p>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Perspiciatis tempore cumque, magni aspernatur, quidem. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
Lorem minus, placeat, cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.iure voluptas aliquam tempora neque?
List Styling
Unordered Lists
<ul class="no-bullet"></ul>
<ul class="list-disc"></ul>
<ul class="list-circle"></ul>
<ul class="list-square"></ul>
Ordered Lists
<ol class="no-bullet"></ol>
<ol class="list-decimal"></ol>
<ol class="list-lower-alpha"></ol>
<ol class="list-lower-latin"></ol>
<ol class="list-lower-roman"></ol>
<ol class="list-upper-alpha"></ol>
<ol class="list-upper-latin"></ol>
<ol class="list-upper-roman"></ol>
Text Helpers
Image Replacement (Text Hide)
You can include an image with visually hidden helper text for the sake of accessibility and improving SEO. The .text-hide
class will visually hide an element’s text within the context of an image.
<a href="#" class="text-hide">
<img src="" alt="zurb logo">
Zurb <!-- Logo Text -->
Text Transformation
Text transformation lets you control the capitalization of text. You can change the text transformation by adding .text-uppercase
, text-lowercase
, text-capitalize
to an element.
<p class="text-uppercase"><!-- Text here --></p>
<p class="text-lowercase"><!-- Text here --></p>
<p class="text-capitalize"><!-- Text here --></p>
This is a upper-cased text. Set in the year 0 F.E. ("Foundation Era"), The Psychohistorians opens on Trantor, the capital of the 12,000-year-old Galactic Empire. Though the empire appears stable and powerful, it is slowly decaying in ways that parallel the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
This is a lower-cased text. Set in the year 0 F.E. ("Foundation Era"), The Psychohistorians opens on Trantor, the capital of the 12,000-year-old Galactic Empire. Though the empire appears stable and powerful, it is slowly decaying in ways that parallel the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
This is a caPitAlized teXt. Set in the yEar 0 F.E. ("Foundation Era"), The PsychohisTorians opens on Trantor, the capital of the 12,000-year-old Galactic Empire. Though the empire appears stable and powerful, it is slowly decaying in ways that parallel the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
Text Decoration
Text Decoration can be used to underline, overline, or line-through a text. You can change the text decoration by adding .text-underline
, .text-overline
, or .text-line-through
to an element.
<p class="text-underline">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. </p>
<p class="text-overline">Perspiciatis tempore cumque, magni aspernatur, quidem</p>
<p class="text-line-through">Lorem minus, placeat, iure voluptas aliquam tempora neque?</p>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Perspiciatis tempore cumque, magni aspernatur, quidem
Lorem minus, placeat, iure voluptas aliquam tempora neque?
Text Truncate
The .text-truncate
class will truncate your text and display an elipsis. This class works for a single line of text.
<p class="text-truncate">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam voluptatem similique officiis recusandae esse cum in totam quisquam perspiciatis quod! Magnam culpa vitae, tempore eos explicabo cupiditate. Deserunt, quisquam, quos!</p>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam voluptatem similique officiis recusandae esse cum in totam quisquam perspiciatis quod! Magnam culpa vitae, tempore eos explicabo cupiditate. Deserunt, quisquam, quos!
Text No-wrap
If you would like to prevent the text wrapping into the next line you can utilize .text-nowrap
. Please note that the text will continue to be in same line unless the <br>
tag is used.
<p class="text-nowrap">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam voluptatem similique officiis recusandae esse cum in totam quisquam perspiciatis quod! Magnam culpa vitae, tempore eos explicabo cupiditate. Deserunt, quisquam, quos!</p>
Text Wrap
To force text to wrap to the next line, you can use .text-wrap
<p class="text-wrap">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam voluptatem similique officiis recusandae esse cum in totam quisquam perspiciatis quod! Magnam culpa vitae, tempore eos explicabo cupiditate. Deserunt, quisquam, quos!</p>
Margin Helpers
Generate spacing around elements with these easy to use margin classes.
Margin (All Sides)
<div class="margin-0"></div>
<div class="margin-1"></div>
<div class="margin-2"></div>
<div class="margin-3"></div>
Margin Top
<div class="margin-top-0"></div>
<div class="margin-top-1"></div>
<div class="margin-top-2"></div>
<div class="margin-top-3"></div>
Margin Bottom
<div class="margin-bottom-0"></div>
<div class="margin-bottom-1"></div>
<div class="margin-bottom-2"></div>
<div class="margin-bottom-3"></div>
Margin Left
<div class="margin-left-0"></div>
<div class="margin-left-1"></div>
<div class="margin-left-2"></div>
<div class="margin-left-3"></div>
Margin Right
<div class="margin-right-0"></div>
<div class="margin-right-1"></div>
<div class="margin-right-2"></div>
<div class="margin-right-3"></div>
Margin Left Right (Horizontal Axis)
<div class="margin-horizontal-0"></div>
<div class="margin-horizontal-1"></div>
<div class="margin-horizontal-2"></div>
<div class="margin-horizontal-3"></div>
Margin Top Bottom (Vertical Axis)
<div class="margin-vertical-0"></div>
<div class="margin-vertical-1"></div>
<div class="margin-vertical-2"></div>
<div class="margin-vertical-3"></div>
Margin: Usage as a Mixin
.foo {
@include margin(1, 0, 2, null);
This above code will generate the below output
.foo {
margin-top: 1rem !important;
margin-right: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 2rem !important;
Note: The margin-left
property wasn't printed as this mixin also accept null
as a value to reduce CSS output. See Sass Reference here
Padding Helpers
Generate spaces around the content with these easy to use padding classes.
Padding (All Sides)
<div class="padding-0"></div>
<div class="padding-1"></div>
<div class="padding-2"></div>
<div class="padding-3"></div>
Padding Top
<div class="padding-top-0"></div>
<div class="padding-top-1"></div>
<div class="padding-top-2"></div>
<div class="padding-top-3"></div>
Padding Bottom
<div class="padding-bottom-0"></div>
<div class="padding-bottom-1"></div>
<div class="padding-bottom-2"></div>
<div class="padding-bottom-3"></div>
Padding Left
<div class="padding-left-0"></div>
<div class="padding-left-1"></div>
<div class="padding-left-2"></div>
<div class="padding-left-3"></div>
Padding Right
<div class="padding-right-0"></div>
<div class="padding-right-1"></div>
<div class="padding-right-2"></div>
<div class="padding-right-3"></div>
Padding Left Right (Horizontal Axis)
<div class="padding-horizontal-0"></div>
<div class="padding-horizontal-1"></div>
<div class="padding-horizontal-2"></div>
<div class="padding-horizontal-3"></div>
Padding Top Bottom (Vertical Axis)
<div class="padding-vertical-0"></div>
<div class="padding-vertical-1"></div>
<div class="padding-vertical-2"></div>
<div class="padding-vertical-3"></div>
Padding: Usage as a Mixin
.bar {
@include padding(1, 0, 2, null);
This above code will generate the below output
.bar {
padding-top: 1rem !important;
padding-right: 0 !important;
padding-bottom: 2rem !important;
Note: The padding-left
property wasn't printed as this mixin also accept null
as a value to reduce CSS output. See Sass Reference here
These width and height classes help you to easily make an element as wide or as tall as needed relative to its parent. By default it supports 25%
, 50%
, 75%
and 100%
. You can add more sizes though, through Sass map variable.
<div class="width-25"></div>
<div class="width-50"></div>
<div class="width-75"></div>
<div class="width-100"></div>
<div class="max-width-100"></div>
<div class="height-25"></div>
<div class="height-50"></div>
<div class="height-75"></div>
<div class="height-100"></div>
<div class="max-height-100"></div>
Border box
Border box lets you only add the content, padding and border, but not the margin within the width and height CSS properties.
<div class="border-box"></div>
Border none
Border none lets you quickly resets border to none
for any element.
<div class="callout primary border-none">
Hi! I am a callout with no Borders
Display Classes
Display classes allow you to change the display property of any element.
<div class="display-inline"></div>
<div class="display-inline-block"></div>
<div class="display-block"></div>
<div class="display-table"></div>
<div class="display-table-cell"></div>
These cover some of the most used display types. There are many other display values as specified by MDN here. If you need some of those classes, then you can add them easily through Sass variables with $prototype-display
. Sass Reference here
- For `display: flex` use `.flex-container`. See [Flexbox Reference](flexbox.html)
- For `display: none` use `.hide`. or Foundation's [Visibility Classes](visibility.html)
Positioning classes help you change an element's position value. By default, an element's postion value is static
<div class="position-relative"></div>
<div class="position-absolute"></div>
<div class="position-fixed"></div>
<div class="position-fixed-top"></div>
<div class="position-fixed-bottom"></div>
<div class="position-static"></div>
Positioning: Usage as a Mixin
The position mixin can be used to set a position and to set the top
and/or left
property all in one.
.foo {
@include position(fixed, 1, 2, 0, null);
This above code will generate the below output
.foo {
position: fixed !important;
top: 1rem !important;
right: 2rem !important;
bottom: 0 !important;
See how the left
offset wasn't printed as this mixin also accepts null
as a value. Sass Reference here
These overflow classes helps you to clip content, render scrollbars or simply just display the content when it overflows its block level container.
All sides
<div class="overflow-visible"></div>
<div class="overflow-hidden"></div>
<div class="overflow-scroll"></div>
Horizontal Axis
<div class="overflow-x-visible"></div>
<div class="overflow-x-hidden"></div>
<div class="overflow-x-scroll"></div>
Vertical Axis
<div class="overflow-y-visible"></div>
<div class="overflow-y-hidden"></div>
<div class="overflow-y-scroll"></div>
Note: Combining overflow: hidden
in either the X or Y direction with the overflow: visible
in the opposite direction does not work as expected in CSS spec. More info
Sass Mixin Helpers
We also provides some extra utility mixins that you can use for your next prototype project.
Box Mixin
This mixin helps you to easily create a square, rectangle or a circle. Sass Reference here
.foo {
@include box(1rem, 2rem); // Rectangle
.bar {
@include box(1rem); // Square
.baz {
@include box(1rem, $circle: true); // Circle
Rotate Mixin
These Rotate mixins lets you rotate an element to a certain degree. Clockwise is the default direction but adding a -
in front of the degrees will make it counter-clockwise.
.foo {
@include rotate(30); // 30 Degree
.bar {
@include rotateX(60); // 60 Degree on X axis
.baz {
@include rotateY(90); // 90 Degree on Y axis
.shaz {
@include rotateZ(120); // 120 Degree on Z axis
Relational Mixins (AKA: nth:child mixins)
These relational mixins helps you to manage styling of :nth-child’ified elements through easy Sass mixins.
@include first($num) {} // applies style to first n children
@include first-child {} // applies style to first child only
@include last($num) {} // applies style to last n children
@include last-child {} // applies style to first child only
@include every($num) {} // applies style to every n children
@include first-last {} // applies style to first and last child only
@include after-first($num) {} // applies style to all after nth child
@include from-last($num) {} // applies style to all after and including nth child
@include from-first-last($num) {} // applies style to nth child from first child and last child
@include all-but($num) {} // applies style to all except nth child
@include all-but-first-last($num) {} // applies style all except first and last child
@include unique {} // applies style to a child who has no siblings
@include not-unique {} // applies style to all children except a child who has no siblings
@include between($first, $last) {} // applies style to all except first and last child
@include even {} // applies style to all even children
@include even-between($first, $last) {} // applies style to all even children except first and last
@include odd {} // applies style to all odd children
@include odd-between($first, $last) {} // applies style to all odd children except first and last
@include number-between($num, $first, $last) {} // applies style to every n children from first child and last child
Sass Reference
The default styles of this component can be customized using these Sass variables in your project's settings file.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
$prototype-arrow-directions |
Map |
down |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-arrow-size |
Number | 0.4375rem |
Width of the Arrow, |
$prototype-arrow-color |
Color | $black |
Color of the Arrow, |
$prototype-border-box-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for border box. |
$prototype-border-none-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for border none. |
$prototype-bordered-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for bordered utility. |
$prototype-border-width |
Number | rem-calc(1) |
Default value for |
$prototype-border-type |
String | solid |
Default value for |
$prototype-border-color |
Color | $medium-gray |
Default value for |
$prototype-display-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for display classes |
$prototype-display |
Map |
inline |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-font-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for font styling types |
$prototype-wide-letter-spacing |
Number | rem-calc(4) |
Letter spacing for |
$prototype-font-normal |
Number | $global-weight-normal |
Default weight for |
$prototype-font-bold |
Number | $global-weight-bold |
Default weight for |
$prototype-list-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for list styling types |
$prototype-style-type-unordered |
Map |
disc |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-style-type-ordered |
Map |
decimal |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-overflow-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for overflow helper classes |
$prototype-overflow |
Map |
visible |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-position-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for position helpers |
$prototype-position |
Map |
static |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-position-z-index |
Number | 975 |
z-index for fixed positioning |
$prototype-rounded-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for rounded utility. |
$prototype-border-radius |
Number | rem-calc(3) |
Default value for |
$prototype-separator-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for separator. |
$prototype-separator-align |
String | center |
Default alignment of a separator. |
$prototype-separator-height |
Number | rem-calc(2) |
Height of a separator. |
$prototype-separator-width |
Number | 3rem |
Width of a separator. |
$prototype-separator-background |
Color | $primary-color |
Default color of a separator. |
$prototype-separator-margin-top |
Number | $global-margin |
Top Margin of a separator. |
$prototype-shadow-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for shadow utility. |
$prototype-box-shadow |
Number | 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) |
Default value for |
$prototype-sizing-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for spacing classes (margin and padding) |
$prototype-sizing |
Map |
width |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-sizes |
Map |
25: 25% |
Map containing all the sizes. |
$prototype-spacing-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for spacing classes (margin and padding) |
$prototype-spacers-count |
Number | 3 |
Default number of spacers count (margin and padding) |
$prototype-decoration-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for text decoration classes |
$prototype-text-decoration |
Map |
overline |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-transformation-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for text transformation classes |
$prototype-text-transformation |
Map |
lowercase |
Map containing all the |
$prototype-utilities-breakpoints |
Boolean | $global-prototype-breakpoints |
Responsive breakpoints for text utilities |
$prototype-text-overflow |
String | ellipsis |
Default Value for |
We use these mixins to build the final CSS output of this component. You can use the mixins yourself to build your own class structure out of our components.
@include border-box;
Border box utility
@include border-none;
Border none utility
@include bordered($width, $type, $color);
Bordered Utility: Adds a light border to an element by default.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$width |
Number | $prototype-border-width |
Width of the border |
$type |
String | $prototype-border-type |
Type of the border |
$color |
Color | $prototype-border-color |
Color of the border |
@include box($width, $height, $circle);
Box Mixin: Easily create a square, rectangle or a circle
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$width |
Number | None |
Width of the box |
$height |
Number | $width |
Height of the box, defaults to |
$circle |
Boolean | false |
Makes the box a circle, by default |
@include display($display);
Display classes, by default coming through a map $prototype-display
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$display |
String | None |
Display classes |
@include font-wide($letter-spacing);
Font wide letter spacing!
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$letter-spacing |
Number | $prototype-wide-letter-spacing |
Wide letter spacing for the font |
@include font-normal($weight);
Font Weight Normal, default value coming through global-weight-normal
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$weight |
Number | $prototype-font-normal |
Weight of the font (normal) |
@include font-bold($weight);
Font Weight Bold, default value coming through global-weight-bold
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$weight |
Number | $prototype-font-bold |
Weight of the font (bold) |
@include font-italic;
Font Style Italic
@include style-type-unordered($style-type-unordered);
Style type for unordered Lists, by default coming through a map $prototype-style-type-unordered
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$style-type-unordered |
String | None |
Style type for unordered Lists |
@include style-type-ordered($style-type-ordered);
Style type for ordered Lists, by default coming through a map $prototype-style-type-ordered
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$style-type-ordered |
String | None |
Style type for ordered Lists |
@include overflow($overflow);
Overflow classes, by default coming through a map $prototype-overflow
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$overflow |
String | None |
Overflow classes |
@include overflow-x($overflow);
Overflow classes on horizontal axis, by default coming through a map $prototype-overflow
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$overflow |
String | None |
Overflow classes (horizontal axis) |
@include overflow-y($overflow);
Overflow classes on vertical axis, by default coming through a map $prototype-overflow
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$overflow |
String | None |
Overflow classes (vertical axis) |
@include position($position, $top, $right, $bottom, $left);
Position classes, by default coming through a map $prototype-position
, whereas all the offset values are multiplied by $global-position
which by default is equal to 1rem
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$position |
String | None |
Position classes, Either |
$top |
Number | null |
Top offset |
$right |
Number | null |
Right offset |
$bottom |
Number | null |
Bottom offset |
$left |
Number | null |
Left offset |
@include position-fixed-top($z-index);
Position Fixed on top corners
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$z-index |
Number | $prototype-position-z-index |
z-index for |
@include position-fixed-bottom($z-index);
Position Fixed on bottom corners
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$z-index |
Number | $prototype-position-z-index |
z-index for |
@include rotate($deg);
Rotate Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$deg |
Number | None |
Degree of rotation |
@include rotateX($deg);
RotateX Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg on X-Axis
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$deg |
Number | None |
Degree of rotation |
@include rotateY($deg);
RotateY Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg on Y-Axis
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$deg |
Number | None |
Degree of rotation |
@include rotateZ($deg);
RotateZ Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg on Z-Axis
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$deg |
Number | None |
Degree of rotation |
@include border-radius($radius);
Rounded utility (all corners): Adds radius corners (all corners) to an element by default.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$radius |
Number | $prototype-border-radius |
Border radius (all corners) |
@include border-rounded;
Rounded square utility or rectangle utility (all corners): Rounds all corners to an element by default to make a pill shape.
@include separator($align, $height, $width, $background, $top);
Title separator Utility, mostly used to style the main heading of a section
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$align |
String | $prototype-separator-align |
separator Alignment |
$height |
Number | $prototype-separator-height |
Width |
$width |
Number | $prototype-separator-width |
Height |
$background |
Color | $prototype-separator-background |
Background |
$top |
Number | $prototype-separator-margin-top |
Margin Top |
@include shadow($shadow);
Shadow Utility: Adds a light box shadow to an element by default.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$shadow |
Number | $prototype-box-shadow |
Box Shadow of a component |
@include max-width-100;
Max Width 100 utility.
@include max-height-100;
Max Height 100 utility.
@include margin($top, $right, $bottom, $left);
Margin helper mixin, all the values are multiplied by $global-margin
which by default is equal to 1rem
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$top |
Number | null |
Margin Top |
$right |
Number | null |
Margin Right |
$bottom |
Number | null |
Margin Bottom |
$left |
Number | null |
Margin Left |
@include padding($top, $right, $bottom, $left);
Padding helper mixin, all the values are multiplied by $global-padding
which by default is equal to 1rem
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$top |
Number | null |
Padding Top |
$right |
Number | null |
Padding Right |
$bottom |
Number | null |
Padding Bottom |
$left |
Number | null |
Padding Left |
@include margin-direction($dir, $spacer);
Margin classes for specific direction properties
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$dir |
String | None |
Direction |
$spacer |
Number | None |
Spacer |
@include padding-direction($dir, $spacer);
Padding classes for specific direction properties
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$dir |
String | None |
Direction |
$spacer |
Number | None |
Spacer |
@include text-decoration($decoration);
Text Decoration, by default coming through a map $prototype-text-decoration
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$decoration |
String | None |
Text Decoration |
@include text-transform($transformation);
Text Transformation, by default coming through a map $prototype-text-transformation
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$transformation |
String | None |
Text Transformation |
@include text-hide;
Image Replacement utility. text-hide
@include text-truncate($overflow);
Truncating the text, elipsis by default.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$overflow |
String | $prototype-text-overflow |
Text Truncate |
@include text-nowrap;
No wrapping of the text. text-nowrap
@include text-wrap;
Wrapping of the text. text-wrap
@include first($num) { }
Select all children from the first to $num
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
First |
@include first-child { }
Select the first exact child
@include last($num) { }
Select all children from the last to $num
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
Last |
@include last-child { }
Select the last exact child
@include every($num) { }
Select children every $num
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
Every |
@include first-last { }
Select only the first and last child.
@include after-first($num) { }
Select all children after the first to $num
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
After First |
@include from-last($num) { }
Select all children before $num
from the last.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
From Last |
@include from-first-last($num) { }
Select the $num
child from the first and the $num
child from the last.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
@include all-but($num) { }
Select all children but $num
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
@include all-but-first-last($num) { }
Select all children between the $num
first and the $num
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
@include unique { }
Will only select the child if it's unique. That means that if there are at least 2 children, the style will not be applied.
@include not-unique { }
Will only select children if they are not unique. That means that if there are at least 2 children, the style will be applied.
@include between($first, $last) { }
Select all children between $first
and $last
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$first |
Number | None |
First |
$last |
Number | None |
Last |
@include even { }
Select all even children.
@include even-between($first, $last) { }
Select all even children between $first
and $last
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$first |
Number | None |
First |
$last |
Number | None |
Last |
@include odd { }
Select all odd children.
@include odd-between($first, $last) { }
Select all odd children between $first
and $last
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$first |
Number | None |
First |
$last |
Number | None |
Last |
@include number-between($num, $first, $last) { }
Select all $num
children between $first
and $last
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
$num |
Number | None |
Every |
$first |
Number | None |
First |
$last |
Number | None |
Last |